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RemaVet Set 49 with free Remedy Case

RemaVet Set with free Remedy Case 49 pcs

RemaVet Set with free Remedy Case 49 pcs

This set of 49 licensed over-the-counter homeopathic remedies for animals was created by healing practitioners Birgit Gnadl and Angela Lamminger, who both specialize in treatment of farm animals, cattle, and horses.

Each remedy has been licensed for treatment of specific ailments and contains an instruction leaflet describing indications and administration instructions. This kit enables every animal lover to treat ailments as soon as the first symptoms arise.

This set was specifically designed for agricultural applications, but these remedies are also perfect for treatment of pets like dogs or cats.

Please read the leaflet included in the packaging carefully before you take this medicine. If you have any further questions after reading it, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.

incl. 10% VAT
Remedies in this set:
Remedies Version A
49 Remedies
Aconitum RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 1 10g 1 Stk.
Aloe RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 13 10g 1 Stk.
Apis RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 2 10g 1 Stk.
Arnica RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 3 10g 1 Stk.
Arsenicum album RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 4 10g 1 Stk.
Aurum RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 25 10g 1 Stk.
Belladonna RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No.14 10g 1 Stk.
Bellis RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 15 10g 1 Stk.
Berberis RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 26 10g 1 Stk.
Bryonia RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 5 10g 1 Stk.
Calcium carbonicum RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 27 10g 1 Stk.
Calcium phosphoricum RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 28 10g 1 Stk.
Calendula RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 38 10g 1 Stk.
Carbo vegetabilis RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 29 10g 1 Stk.
Caulophyllum RemaVet Globuli für Tiere - No. 16 10g 1 Stk.
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