Homeopathic Remedies by Remedia

Remedia Homeopathy and Salvator Pharmacy produce about 6500 homeopathic remedies. The remedies can be purchased in our online shop as well a per email or fax order.
Alphabetical list of our remedies
Homoepathic Remedies
Remedia Homeopathy constantly produces new homeopathic remedies
Our range of medicines is continuously expanded with new homeopathic remedies and potencies. Some homeopathic remedies, potencies and special preparations which are not listed can be prepared on request.
Historical Homeopathic Remedies
We also have a variety of historical medicines in our range, such as those of Caroll Dunham and Bernhard Fincke.
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With the search function on top of this page you can search homeopathic remedies in our database.
Available Potencies of Homeopathic Remedies
The lowest and highest available potencies for dilutions and globules of D-, C-, LM- Korsakoff (K) and Fluxion potencies (FC) are listed at each remedy detail page. In same cases, higher potencies of homeopathic remedies up to D200, C200, LM120, Q30, 50MK and FC100M can be prepared.
Upon request it might be possible to manufacture individual homeopathic remedies as special products up to the potencies D200, C200, LM120, Q30, 50M and FC100M.
We can send you a catalogue of our homeopathic products. Send us a request and don't forget your address.
Lactose-free globules
Milk sugar (lactose) is used by Remedia Homeopathy and Salvator Apotheke in the first steps of the homeopathic preparation of insoluble raw materials, e.g. Metals, inorganic salts and minerals are used.
The end products of drug manufacture are globules and dilutions.
Globules from Remedia Homeopathy and Salvator Apotheke consist of sucrose and are lactose-free and gluten-free, dilutions from Remedia Homeopathy and Salvator Apotheke consist of an ethanol-water mixture and are lactose-free.
Printed catalog of all homeopathic remedies from Remedia Homeopathy
We would be happy to send you a catalog of our homeopathic remedies by mail. Please send us an inquiry using our contact form and enter your postal address.