
Like Q–potencies, these remedies are quinquagintamillesimal (50 000) potencies. However, there are significant differences in regards to preparation and administration.
Main differences:
- the use of globules size 1 (500 pcs/gr)
- the original substance for C1 – C2 potencies is mostly an alcoholic extract in the form of a mother tincture*
- the C3-trituration is not prepared according to Hahnemann, because it is not triturated, but only mixed and dried (trituration of liquid drug substances).
LM-potencies Production
1: 50 000 dilution
- First a C3-trituration is prepared (method depending on the original substance) and then dissolved in 15% (m/m) alcohol in a ratio of 1:500 for the preparation of the LM1- potency.
- Then 1 drop of this solution is diluted with 86% (m/m) alcohol in a ratio of 1:100 and shaken vigorously 100 times.
- Next globules are medicated with the solution in a ratio of 1:500 and dried.
- By the sequence of dilution steps a ratio of 1:50 000 is reached like in the case of Q- potencies. This is the first potency level of this scale, i.e. LM1.
Production of further potency levels
Manufacturing further potency levels does not differ from that of Q–potencies. Yet, for reasons of completeness they have been listed below.
- In order to prepare an LM2-dilution 1 LM1-globule is dissolved in 1 drop of water.
- Then the solution is mixed with 100 drops of 86% (m/m) alcohol and vigorously shaken 100 times.
- Next globules size 1 (500pcs/gr) are medicated with the solution in a ratio of 1:500 and dried.
- Again these dilution steps result in a ratio of 1:50 000.
Further potency levels are manufactured in the same way.
Globules and dilutions
Although LM–potencies are taken directly as globules in most cases, it may be necessary to dissolve these globules and prepare LM-dilutions.
- For the preparation of liquid LM-potencies globules of the potency level required are dissolved in 15% (m/m) ethanol in a ratio of 1:10 (1 globule in 10ml ethanol).
The potency level of the solution is the same as the potency level of the dissolved globules.
Differences between Q-potencies and LM-potencies
Q-Potencies | LM-Potencies |
globules size 0 (1600 pcs/gr) | globules size 1 (500 pcs/gr) |
C1 – C3 trituration of the original substance |
C1-C2 mostly prepared from the mother tincture and then shaken |
energetically higher because of the trituration of the original substance | energetically lower (only applies if the original substance is liquid, for example in the case of mother tinctures and solutions) |
different therapeutic spectrum: |
different therapeutic spectrum: - globules size 1 - original substance mostly shaken |
globules are diluted, then the dilution is taken | globules taken directly |
*In regards to the type of the original substance, there are different possibilities in the case of LM–potencies. In the simplest case the original substance is a herbal mother tincture, which cannot be triturated in the conventional sense. In this case certain adaptions for a 1:50 000 dilution are necessary, e.g. as is the case for Q-potencies. The mother tincture is potentised, you get a C1 and C2 potency as usual and the C3-trituration is prepared from the liquid drug substance, i.e. mixed and dried, which is no procedure according to Hahnemann. The further procedure does not differ from that of Q-potencies. In this context the fact that an LM-potentisation of triturations according to Hahnemann can also be done is particularly confusing. In this case there is only a difference as regards the size of the globules but not as regards the preparation of the original substance.
Read more about the differencies between Q-Potencies and LM-Potencies