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Students' Kit by DAKH

Students' Kit by DAKH, according to Michael Leisten 54 pcs

Students' Kit by DAKH, according to Michael Leisten 54 pcs

This therapy kit contains the most frequently needed remedies and was compiled by homeopath Michael Leisten, head of the DAKH. Though this set is considered part of every homeopath's basic equipment, it makes no claim to be complete and should be expanded as needed.

The C30 potency as used for this set is considered intense and long-lasting, making this potency very popular for treatment of acute episodes. Nevertheless, thorough and specific diagnoses are needed to ensure correct use and effect.

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Frequently bought together
Loop Tablet
Loop tablets - the ideal solution for stacking and storing homoeopathic remedies in drawers or doctor's bags
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Remedy Tubes

When you like to refill your personal remedy

Empty tube, capacity: 100-120 globules size 3

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