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Search for: Remedy Name (e.g. Arnica montana), Synonyms (e.g. Nux vomica), product number (e.g. 9001366), family (e.g. Nosode), Scholten No. (e.g. 665.24.08). In our green bubbles you can see the respective main names of our products.
Remedy Kit - Reinhard Flick

Remedy Kit - Reinhard Flick 1g 60 pcs

Remedy Kit - Reinhard Flick 1g 60 pcs

Finding and getting a suitable homeopathic remedy in emergencies on weekends or at night isn't easy. Those situations are where this set shines; having the most important remedies at hand is extremely important, especially when it comes to acute illnesses that often need follow-up medication if the symptoms change over night or through the weekend.

Basic treatment for acute symptoms

This set has been assembled to bridge this gap und offers the ideal compilation of basic remedies for your home.

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You can find more cases in our equipment category.

incl. 10% VAT
Remedies in this set:
Remedies Version A
72 Remedies
Version B
60 Remedies
Acidum arsenicosum C 30
C 30
Acidum nitricum C 30
Acidum phosphoricum C 30
C 30
Acidum silicicum C 30
C 30
Aconitum napellus C 30
C 30
Allium cepa C 30
Aloe C 30
C 30
Aluminium oxydatum C 30
C 30
Apis mellifica C 30
C 30
Arnica montana C 200
C 200
Atropa bella-donna C 30
C 30
Aurum metallicum C 30
Berberis vulgaris C 30
C 30
Bryonia C 30
C 30
Calcium sulfuricum C 30
C 30
Frequently bought together
Remedy Tubes

When you like to refill your personal remedy

Empty tube, capacity: 100-120 globules size 3

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Loop Tablet
Loop tablets - the ideal solution for stacking and storing homoeopathic remedies in drawers or doctor's bags
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