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Palliative Medicine Kit by Gisela Holle

Palliative Medicine Kit by Gisela Holle 1g 20 pcs

Palliative Medicine Kit by Gisela Holle 1g 20 pcs

This kit contains homoeopathic remedies proven to be particularly successful in the treatment of palliative patients.

The assortment of remedies was compiled by experienced classical homoeopaths who have cared for palliative patients both in and out of hospital.

The remedies of this set support both palliative patients and their relatives during critical phases. 

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Frequently bought together
Loop Tablet
Loop tablets - the ideal solution for stacking and storing homoeopathic remedies in drawers or doctor's bags
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Remedy Tubes

When you like to refill your personal remedy

Empty tube, capacity: 100-120 globules size 3

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