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Multi-Case M-020 for tubes 1 g

Multi-Leather Case M-020 for 20 pcs ampules or Remedia tubes, bordeaux

Multi-Leather Case M-020 for 20 pcs ampules or Remedia tubes, bordeaux

  • free of PCB/PCP, azoic dyes
  • accommodates up to 20 ampules or tubes (diameter: 13-15 mm)
  • Dimensions: 18,5 x 6,5 x 3 cm
  • incl. first aid booklet describing the 60 most important remedies and their indications. (Offer valid while stocks last)

Matching tubes for this case are available in our online shop.

  • color: bordeaux

Find the matching tubes, flasks, and vials in our online shop.

incl. 20% VAT
Frequently bought together
Remedy Tubes

When you like to refill your personal remedy

Empty tube, capacity: 100-120 globules size 3

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