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Leather Case for 12 pcs 10g bottles

Leather-Case for 12 pcs glass bottles 10 ml, blue

Leather-Case for 12 pcs glass bottles 10 ml, blue

  • Free of PCB/PCP, azo-dyes, chrome salts and formaldehyde
  • Elastic loops can also be used for thermometer, measuring tape, needles and other instruments
  • Additional loop for a salve tube
  • Pocket for leaflets and cards
  • Dimensions: 18 x 14 x 3 cm
  • incl. first aid booklet (language: German) describing the 60 most important remedies and their indications. (Offer valid while stocks last)

Matching glass bottles for this case are available in our online shop.

  • color: blue
incl. 20% VAT
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