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Search for: Remedy Name (e.g. Arnica montana), Synonyms (e.g. Nux vomica), product number (e.g. 9001366), family (e.g. Nosode), Scholten No. (e.g. 665.24.08). In our green bubbles you can see the respective main names of our products.
Drawer for bottles

Bottle plate for 105 pcs 1 g Remedia tubes

Bottle plate for 105 pcs 1 g Remedia tubes

Remedy flask sorter to keep your remedy shelves in order.

  • Ideal to ensure no spillage occurs in case something is knocked over.
  • A must-have in every office and private practice.
  • Dimensions: 155 x 40 x 340 mm

Store up to 525 1g remedies on a single 80cm shelf unit!

incl. 20% VAT
Frequently bought together
Remedy Tubes

When you like to refill your personal remedy

Empty tube, capacity: 100-120 globules size 3

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