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Farne Set nach Jan Scholten

Farne Set nach Jan Scholten 175 pcs

Farne Set nach Jan Scholten 175 pcs

The renowned homeopath Jan Scholten has now also integrated ferns into his plant systematics. We have put together a fern set to match this. The remedies in the set are all in the potency C30.

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Remedies in this set:
Remedies Version A
175 Remedies
Actiniopteris radiata C 30
Adiantum capillus-veneris C 30
Adiantum caudatum C 30
Adiantum raddianum C 30
Adiantum trapeziforme C 30
Adiantum venustum C 30
Aglaomorpha coronans C 30
Allantodia wichurae C 30
Alsophila firma C 30
Amblovenatum opulentum C 30
Anemia mandioccana C 30
Anemia mexicana C 30
Anemia phyllitidis C 30
Anemia rotundifolia C 30
Angiopteris madagascariensis C 30
Frequently bought together
Loop Tablet
Loop tablets - the ideal solution for stacking and storing homoeopathic remedies in drawers or doctor's bags
15.60 More