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Veils of Vision von Jan Scholten

Veils of Vision

Veils of Vision

ISBN: 9789074817264

Excerpt from the book:


The goal of the Kenton seminar was to develop new homeopathic remedies by provings. This has always been an important method to expand the homeopathic knowledge.

Plant Kingdom

The reason to choose plants is that the plant Kingdom is the least developed and the most difficult to understand at the level of development at the moment. Thee is quite a good understanding of the Mineral Kingdom since the Element Theory. The Animal Kingdom is more easily understood by the behaviour of animals.

Unknown families

The choice was amde to do proving of topical plants and especially from families that are little known or unkown in homeopathy. The objective of this seminar was to fill in these gaps for a bit. To do that we had to find plants from unknown regions, especially tropical region of Asia, Africa or middle and South America.

Madagascar, Nosy Be

The choice was made for Madagascar as Madagascar has very special flora and fauna. It has been seperated from the mainland for millions of years and thus followed its own evolution.

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