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Rosin for String Instruments

Violin rosin

Violin rosin

Package size: ~25g

Colofonia Galeazzi Modo III is a premium class colophony for violins. Made from larch resin and based on a historical recipe from the early 19th century, this colophony is uniquely suited for precious string instruments with historic gut strings.

Colofonia Galeazzi Modo III can be used on all string instruments. It should be applied sparingly. It is recommended to use the colophony after playing; "warm" hair takes in the resin more easily and prevents unnecessary dust build-up.

Dario Luisi - the Scientist
His love for historical violin instruments encourages the Italian musician and university lector Dario Luisi to search for a special colophony. In the year 2004 he believes to have achieved his goal at finding a perfect recipe in Francesco Galeazzi's treatise "Elementi teorico pratici di Musica".

Robert Müntz - the Pharmacist
Three years later he finds the perfect partner in Robert Müntz, a talented hobby musician, instrument builder and pharmacist.

Together the two musicians try to reproduce Galeazzi's colophony in a modern laboratory. Unfortunately, a few historical ingredients aren't available anymore.

Modo III
After some research they develop Modo III, a recipe using larch turpentine. Larch resin and a unique method allow them to reach their goal: Colofonia Galeazzi Modo III, a colophony that matches the original recipe up to the last detail.

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