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Massage brush, bristle with strap

Massagebürste Borste mit geölten Holzkörper (eher weich)

Massagebürste Borste mit geölten Holzkörper (eher weich)

  • Soft massage brush made from animal hair
  • oval untreated wood body with strap
  • hand-crafted
  • suitable for dry massage and as sauna brush.
  • peeling effect.
  • Size: 14 cm

This soft, oval massage brush is hand-crafted from untreated wood with animal hair bristles, and has a strap for secure grip. It is 14 cm long and suitable for dry massage and as a sauna brush. Regular massages with a brush increase blood flow and rejuvenate the skin thanks to the peeling effect.

Length: 14cm
incl. 20% VAT
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