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Bachblüten Ainsworths Nr. 29 Star of Bethlehem

Bach Flower Ainsworths Nr. 29 Star of Bethlehem 10 ml

Bach Flower Ainsworths Nr. 29 Star of Bethlehem 10 ml

  • Refusal to be consoled in times of distress or loss.
  • For the after-effects of shock, such as is caused by unexpected bad news or any unexpected and unwelcome event.
  • A shock received many years ago, even very early in childhood.
  • The sense of emptiness and loss that sometimes occurs when a loved one dies or moves away.

Star of Bethlehem is a comforting remedy to take in such circumstances.

The bach flower principle was discovered by Dr. Edward Bach, a famous Homeopathic doctor in 1930. His goal was to create a method of treating all states of mind in the simplest fashion available, using natural medicine and making this method available to everyone.

The method was discovered by accident. Whilst visiting the surrounding countryside Dr. Bach stayed in the vicinity of certain plants and trees to see if and how they influenced his mood. He found out that more than 38 plant species carry the necessary information within them to influence certain archetypical emotional conditions.

More Information about Bach Flowers

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Frequently bought together

Emergency-Globulini after Dr. Bach help you cope with stress and anxiety. Ideal for children.

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