
The manufacturing process of these remedies (quinquagintamillesimal potencies) is based on the experiences Hahnemann made later in his life. The production process is defined in the Organon, 6th edition, §270.
The essential fact is the use of microglobules, also called globules size 0 (1,000 pcs/gr). In this context Hahnemann spoke of sugar globules the size of poppy seeds and the method of the C3-trituration of fresh plants.
Production Process of Q-Potencies
1: 50 000 dilution according to the HAB HV59
- First a C3-trituration is prepared – each step takes 1 hour. For the preparation of a Q1-potency it is then dissolved in a ratio of 1:500 in 15% (m/m) alcohol.
- Then 1 drop of this solution is diluted with 86% (m/m) alcohol in a ratio of 1:100 and shaken vigorously 100 times (not 10 times as in the case of D- and C-potencies).
- 500 microglobules (globules size 0) are medicated with 1 drop of this solution and dried in the open air.
- By this sequence of dilution steps a ratio of 1:50 000 is reached, which is the first potency level of this scale, i.e. Q1.
For the preparation of further potency levels slightly changed procedures are required, which is a difference to D- and C-potencies.
- In order to prepare a Q2-dilution a Q1-globule is dissolved in a drop of water.
- Then the solution is mixed with 100 drops of 86% (m/m) alcohol and vigorously shaken 100 times.
- Next microglobules are medicated with the solution in a ratio of 1:500 and dried.
- Again, these dilution steps result in a ratio of 1:50 000.
Further potency levels
Further potency levels are prepared the same way. Most times, Q-potencies are not taken directly. It is necessary to dissolve globules of these potencies and prepare Q-dilutions.
>> For the preparation of liquid Q-potencies, globules are dissolved in 15% (m/m) ethanol in a ratio of 1:10 (1 globule in 10ml ethanol).
The potency level of the solution is the same as the potency level of the dissolved globules.
How to take Q-Potencies
Please note that Q-potencies usually are taken by dissolving them in water/alcohol, and not by ingesting the pellet itself. On rare occasions a medical professional may advise to take one globule per mouth, otherwise please follow the instructions below.
When a Q-potency has been prescribed, our laboratory dissolves one globule in an amber glass bottle as described in the HAB. It is filled to the brim, so any unintentional dynamisation during transport is prevented. Before taking the remedy the patient has to pour out 1/3 of the liquid. The remaining solution has to be shaken 10 times before taking. This process has to be repeated each time before taking the remedy.
To better preserve the remedy, and guarantee an easy flow through the dropper, alcohol is used for the solution instead of water.
See manufacturing specifications for patients
Correct Technique to dissolve and take Q-Potencies
The therapist advises the patient when, how often and how many drops they have to take. 1 globule needs to be dissolved in 100ml of a 15% ethanol-water-mixture. |
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Prior to the first administration: 1/3 of the mixture has to be poured out, so the remaining liquid can be shaken properly. Shaking is absolutely necessary! |
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First administration A plastic cup has to be filled 2/3 (ca. 0,2l-0,3l) witth cold tap water/bottled water (do not use carbonated water!). Pour the number of drops prescribed by the homeopathic doctor into the cup. Stir the solution 10 times with a plastic spoon. Take 1 teaspoonful of this solution. |
All further administrations |
After taking the last dose After treatment, the spoon, cup and remedy need to be disposed of. |
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Q-Potencies - dilutions
Prior to the first administration: For transportation our bottles have been filled to the brim. Therefore, 1/3 of the mixture needs to be poured out. Now the remaining liquid can be shaken properly. Shaking is absolutely necessary! |
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First administration A plastic cup has to be filled 2/3 (ca. 0,2l-0,3l) witth cold tap water/bottled water (do not use carbonated water!). Pour the number of drops prescribed by the homeopathic doctor into the cup. Stir the solution 10 times with a plastic spoon. Take 1 teaspoonful of this solution. |
All further administrations |
After taking the last dose After treatment, the spoon, cup and remedy need to be disposed of. |
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Q – Potencies | LM – Potencies |
globules size 0 (1600 pcs/gr) | globules size 1 (500 pcs/gr) |
C1 – C3 trituration of the original substance | C1 – C2 mostly prepared from the mother tincture and then shaken C3-trituration of liquid drug substance |
energetically higher because of the trituration of the original substance | energetically lower* (only applies if the original substance is liquid, i.e. in the case of mother tinctures and solutions) |
different therapeutic spectrum: globules size 0 |
different therapeutic spectrum: globules size 1 |
dilution of globules before taken | globules taken directly |
*Depending on the type of the original substance, different results are to be expected in case of LM-Potencies. In the simplest case, the original substance is a herbal mother tincture, which cannot be triturated conventionally. In this case certain adaptions for a 1:50 000 dilution are necessary for the production of Q-potencies. The mother tincture is potentised, the result is a C1 and C2 potency as usual. The C3-trituration is prepared from the liquid drug substance, for example mixed and dried - which is no procedure according to Hahnemann.
The further procedure does not differ from that of Q-potencies. In this context the fact that an LM-potentisation of triturations according to Hahnemann can also be done is particularly confusing. In this case there is only a difference in regards to the size of the globules but not in regards to the preparation of the original substance.
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Learn more about the differences of Q-Potencies and LM-Potencies |