History of fluxion potencies

This article will bring back into memory the continuous fluxion potencies which wrongly fell into oblivion decades ago. The manufacturing principles will be summarized, in particular my modifications, proceeding from the methods used at the turn of the century. In addition there will be instructions as to remedy specifications and administration.
Introduction to Flux Potencies
At the time of the turbulent development of the industrial revolution from 1850 to 1920 there were a group of homeopaths in North America who were manufacturing high potencies with the help of potentizing machines. Even though the medical power of the remedy is undisputed their manufacturing methods fell into oblivion, in the main, and the principle of continuous fluxion potentizing mentioned here is now only used on a large scale by South American manufacturers. Renowned author's experiences of these remedies, going back to almost a century ago, have shown that for European homeopaths they could also present a genuine alternative to the discontinuous high potencies.
Defining the Term Fluxion
The term fluxion means the act of flowing. The principle of this method of potentizing is based on the observation that turbulence in liquid makes it more dynamic.
This observation is almost as old as homeopathy itself and was used around the turn of the century when B. Fincke constructed a potentizing machine to simplify the manufacturing of high potencies.
In principle the process of potentization, i.e. the succussion or trituration following dilution, activates a procedure where the medicine / medicine carrier is supplied with mechanical energy. The hypothesis that the molecular characteristics in the medicine are transferred over to solvent, and therefore information passes over into the carrier, would be a starting point towards understanding the mode of action.
Dunham's experiments have shown that particularly potent remedies can be obtained when using the force given off by a heavy duty oil mill (9). He attached 120 vials to the girders of a mill and at each step they were shaken very vigorously 125 times. He produced high potencies in this way using the single vial method (6).
Nash also used a self regulating potentizing machine to produce his remedies (13, 30).
Numerous experiments of this kind have shown that, to manufacture a powerfully acting remedy, the mechanical energy of a person producing the remedy is not absolutely necessary, but that remedies can also be made by machine, using so called potentizing machines.
There are two different types of fluxion potencies; the single vial method applies to them both:
The continuous method, in which liquid is fed continuously into the vessel used for potentization, and simultaneously removed by a device to empty it. The potency levels are calculated from the amount of dilutent added, and cannot be compared mathematically with those of the centesimal or decimal range. Besides Fincke this principle was followed by S. Swan, J.T. Kent and H.C. Allen (25, 1, 19).
The discontinuous method, in which a vial containing the diluent is repeatedly filled up and emptied, which represents an automated Korsakovian potentization (29). Those who followed this principle were S.P. Burdick (26), T. Skinner (20) and J. Jarricot (23). Boericke and Tafel recently put Skinner´s equipment into use for the manufacture of Skinner High Potency Remedies, and they have been found to be the largest distributors of such remedies in the USA.
Fincke 's Method (1)
One of the pioneers of the continuous method was Bernardt Fincke, who was brought to homeopathy by Boenninghausen. He emigrated to the USA in 1852, where he completed his medical studies at the University of New York. He made numerous attempts at producing high potencies. His publication "On High Potencies", which describes cases that were cured using high potencies, was published by A.J Tafel in Philadelphia in 1865 (5).
First of all Fincke started off with a hand potentized 30C. He used the Korsakovian method up to 30C, shaking 180 times in dactylus rhythm (one - two - three) at every step. These potencies were used for the preparation of the high potencies. Four years later in 1869, he received a patent for this potentizing machine.
Tis principle made full use of turbulence in the process of potentization, which takes place when the remedy’s carrier flows into a vial.

Using this system the liquid would drip from a stock container into a small "regulator bottle" which has a glass pipe extending to the floor. A potency step would be passed through by dropping in a measure of one unit. Fincke placed great emphasis on the shape of the vial for the quality of the potentization. The vial had a tapered neck, which would guarantee a brief increase of the inner pressure whilst the liquid was dripping in.

For the dilutions he usually chose tap water from his laboratory in New York. This seems rather strange initially, but he based this on the grounds that proceeding from a 30C the homeopathic picture of the remedy can practically no longer be influenced by the vehicle selected for the dilution.
As a hypothesis this is difficult to discard, because we have actually long since been in the non-molecular realm of remedy dilution and here we are definitely dealing exclusively with transference of medicinal information via the omnipresent substance water.
The positive experiences of the use of remedies manufactured in this way is an indication of the accuracy of this reasoning. When the degree potency was reached the regulator vial would be emptied using a hypodermic needle and then with ethanol shaken twice by hand and the globules were then medicated with the contents (27).
Fincke manufactured his remedies until 1905 and Kent (1), as well as Dunham (24), reported on their experiments using these remedies.
That they are highly effective is without doubt: Kent states that "The Fincke high potencies never failed me, they act quickly, long and deeply."
L.B. Nash also publicized his experiences using these kind of remedies in CM and MM potencies and he was convinced of their effectiveness (10, 13, 28).
Fincke's relatives handed over his machines and some of the original remedies marked ´Similia Minimus´ to the Bornemann company and today they are the property of Boiron (1).
Additional methods were constantly being developed, which were very similar to Fincke's:
Swan's Machine (25)
His machine is comparable with that of Fincke's, with two variations:
The amount of water flowing is measured using a very precise water meter.
The water is then pressed through a perforated tube and the turbulence that occurs brings about a powerfully thorough mixing and potentization on the remedy. Swan used the intermediate stage in order to produce the higher potencies in one further manoeuvre; always using a new vial at each new stage - intermittent fluxion potencies (12, 15, 28, 31).
Lock's Method (21)
The continuous fluxion potency method is used in Brazil and Argentina at present. Using Lock’s method of dilution, and using a small cylindrical glass equipment with an outlet, diluent constantly drips onto the remedy. At the same time the liquid is stirred very vigorously (2400-15000 rpm, depending on the manufacturer). The degree of potentization measured represents the amount of revolutions, as well as the volume of the remedy’s liquid carrier which has passed through. Using this equipment 300 potency steps can be reached in one minute. or 432.000 in 24 hours (3, 18).
List of References - Fluxion Potentiation
- Kaercher, W.f.: The Fincke Process of Potentiation. The Homeopathician, November (1914). 369-378
- Winston, J.: A brief history ot potentizing machines. B.H.J. 78 (4/1989) 59-68.
- Müntz, R.: Fotodokumente eines Besuches bei Laboratorio Equilibrio, Sao Paulo, (1994).
- incke B. On High Potencies. Philadelphia: A.J.Tafel (1865)
- Hahnemannian Monthly 3: 499.
- Hollemann-Wiberg: Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie. Walter de Gruyter 81.-90. Aufl. (1976) 67.
- Resch / Gutman: Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Homöopathie. O.-Verlag (1986) 336. Zit.n.K. Trinchner: Die Gesetze der biologischen Thermodynamik. Wien (1981) 78ff sowie Water Research 15 (1981) 433.
- Nash, E.B.: Leitsymptome der homöopathischen Therapie. 18. Aufl., Haug-Verlag (1994) 373.
- Nash, E.B.: Leitsymptome der homöopathischen Therapie. 18. Aufl., Haug-Verlag (1994) 258. 272.
- Dellmour, F.: Homöopathische Arzneimittel. ÖGHM (1992) 44.
- Robinson, W.W.: The High Attenuations: Its History and Models of Preparation. The Homeopatic Recorder (2/1941) 63.
- Nash, E.B.: Leitsymptome der homöopathischen Therapie. 18. Aufl., Haug-Verlag (1994) 308.
- HAB1, 1.Ausgabe, Deutscher Apothekerverlag Stuttgart, Govi-Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt (1978) 22 ff.
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