Momordica balsamina - english

Also known as: Balsam Apple
Griping, colic, pain in back and hypogastrium with painful and excessive menses. Accumulation of flatus in splenic flexure of colon. Dropsy.
Head.--Dizzy, contents of head feel lighter; mist before eyes.
Abdomen.--Rumbling, griping, colicky pains, starting from back, spreading over abdomen.
Female.--Painful and profuse menses; labor-like pains, followed by gushes of blood; pain at small of back coming towards front of pelvis.
Relationship.--Momordica charantia-Indian variety--(more sever symptoms-intestines full of yellow watery fluid, discharged explosively-cramps, thirst, prostration. Choleraic symptoms. Similar to Croton, Elaterium. Use 3x).
Dose.--Tincture. Used also externally as a liniment and poultice for burns, chapped hands, etc.
Source: Materia Medica von William Boericke, 1901
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