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Remedia Homeopathy - Shop Globules Online

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Welcome to Remedia Homeopathy Manufactory & Team Santé Salvator Pharmacy

CUSTOMER SERVICE: or +43 2682 622 20 66 (Mo-Fr 8-4)
It's been 22 years since Remedia Homeopathy Manufactory was founded as part of the company group Salvator Pharmacy/Remedia, located in Eisenstadt, Burgenland. Back then homeopathy was still in it's infancy, but Remedia started a new chapter of success in this field. Custom production of homeopathic remedies is our specialty. Remedia Homeopathy is an internationally known brand which guarantees highest quality.

More than 6.500 homeopathic remedies and homeopathy products

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Vaccination by taking globules?

Again and again we get requests as if a titer can be built up by taking globules and thus avoid the unpleasant sting. Read here why potentized vaccines are not suitable for this and how to use them correctly.

Threat of Radioactivity

How to protect in case of a nuclear catastrophe? Read more here.